Suggestions de films similaires à Anbukku Naan Adimai
Il y a 594 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 14 films avec le même réalisateur, 61675 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques, pour avoir au final
70 suggestions de films similaires.
Si vous avez aimé
Anbukku Naan Adimai, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Réalisé par Thiagarajan SivanandamGenres DrameActeurs Rajinikanth,
M. N. Nambiar,
Silk Smitha,

Rajasekaran (Major Sundarrajan) is a rich man who is in possession of an antique sword that holds the key to a treasure. Nagalingam (Thengai Srinivasan), a criminal, makes several unsuccessful attempts to steal the sword from Rajasekaran. On one such attempts Anand (Jaishankar) saves Rajasekaran and becomes his trusted guy to protect the sword. Raju(Rajnikanth), an orphan who is being raised by an alcoholic, ex-thief Rajasingam (M.N Nambiar), is an expert in boosting cars and Anita (##Anita Raj) is his love interest. Several years back Rajasingam had stolen a car owned by Nagalingam with a child inside without knowing that the car and the child (Raju) actually belonged to Rajasekaran. One day Rajasingam spots Nagalingam in a shopping complex and believing that Raju is the son of Nagalingam, he hands Raju to him as his own son. Nagalingam deceitfully accepts Raju as his son and cleverly employs him to steal the sword from Rajasekaran, his real father. While Raju attempts to steal the sword, Anand keeps thwarting him. Despite Anand's efforts Raju manages to loot the sword but then discovers that he's actually the son of Rajasekaran and he himself had been instrumental in stealing his own family treasure for the wrong men. With the help of Anand, Raju fights with Nagalingam's gang to successfully retrieve their family treasure and reunites with his family.
, 2h11
Réalisé par I. V. SasiGenres DrameActeurs Rajinikanth,
Sowcar Janaki,
S. A. Ashokan,
Suruli RajanNote52%

Major Sundarrajan is a smuggler; Rajini is a mechanic. Incidentally Major Sundarrajan is the father of Rajini, which he gets to know only in the climax. Meanwhile, they have lots of conflicts and fights, which is the so-called story of the movie. Also there Seema, who is the heroine. And Surulirajan is the comedian.
Réalisé par Thiagarajan SivanandamGenres Drame,
HorreurThèmes FantômesActeurs Prashanth,
Thiagarajan Sivanandam,
Suhasini Maniratnam,
Sarath BabuNote49%

The film revolves around Vasanth (Prashanth), a stock analyst, and his wife Malini (Meena). The two are in search for a flat in Chennai. Vassanth finds the perfect place on the 12th floor of a high-rise apartment building. However, the apartment has a horrifying past. The previous occupant of the flat, a young woman Manju who had killed her child and jumped from the balcony and died. Malini learns about this incident shortly after moving in and becomes oddly fixated with the story. Then, a series of inexplicable experiences drive Malini to near madness.
, 2h55
Genres Drame,
RomanceThèmes Mafia,
La musique,
GangstersActeurs Rajinikanth,
Reena Roy,
Ramasamy Subramania Manohar,
Aachi ManoramaNote74%

Billa (Rajinikanth) est un dangereux parrain. Un officier de la police indienne, le DSP (Deputy Superintendent of Police) Alexander, cherche à l'arrêter et au cours d'un de leurs affrontements, il le blesse mortellement et l'enterre en secret. Il se souvient alors d'un villageois, Raju (également joué par Rajinikanth), qui est le sosie de Billa. Il lui demande de se faire passer pour celui-ci afin de capturer le reste du gang ; en échange, il lui promet que les enfants dont il a la charge auront une bonne éducation.