Armless is a 2010 comedy film directed by Habib Azar and written by Kyle Jarrow, starring Daniel London, Janel Moloney, Matt Walton, Zoe Lister-Jones and Laurie Kennedy.
It was an official selection of the 2010 Sundance Film Festival, as part of the new category 'NEXT' which selects films for their innovative and original work in low- and no-budget filmmaking.
^ "2010 SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES FILMS IN PREMIERES | Sundance Festival 2010". Retrieved 2010-08-03.Synopsis
The film tells the story of John, a man who suffers from a psychological condition known as body integrity identity disorder in which an individual does not feel "whole" unless he loses one or more major limbs. John leaves his wife and goes to New York City to find a doctor to amputate his arms.