Suggestions de films similaires à Den evige Eva
Il y a 6 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 61695 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques, pour avoir au final
70 suggestions de films similaires.
Si vous avez aimé
Den evige Eva, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :

, 1h42
Genres Drame,
GuerreThèmes PolitiqueActeurs Espen Skjønberg,
Anneke von der Lippe,
Thomas Kretschmann,
Mona Hofland,
Bjørn Sundquist,
Iren ReppenNote67%

A love story during the Second World War in Scandinavia. Ann Mari, a Norwegian, works as a nurse in the Winter War of 1939/40 between Finland and the Soviet Union. She falls in love with the Finnish soldier Markus. The war stops temporarily, and they settle down in northern Norway. Norway gets occupied by Germany and Markus leaves Ann Mari, as Finland goes to war again to win back the lost territory. A short time later Markus seems to be dead and Ann Mari falls in love with the German soldier Maximilian. But Markus soon returns alive. After a struggle for Ann Mari the three take refuge from the Germans to Sweden, but Sweden deports foreign deserters.
, 2h25
Réalisé par Norman JewisonOrigine Etats-UnisGenres Drame,
ActionThèmes Mafia,
Le monde du travail,
L'Outfit de Chicago,
Road movie,
GangstersActeurs Sylvester Stallone,
Rod Steiger,
Peter Boyle,
Melinda Dillon,
David Huffman,
Kevin ConwayNote64%

Cleveland, 1937, deux manutentionnaires, Johnny Kovak et Abe Belkin, sont injustement licenciés. Ils deviennent alors membres de la Fédération des Camionneurs. Kovak prend petit à petit conscience de son influence sur les syndiqués. Au cours d'une grève longue et difficile, pour faire face aux milices patronales, il ne pourra qu'accepter l'aide du racketteur Vince Doyle, associé de l'Outfit de Chicago.
Genres Drame,
ActionThèmes Sport,
Arts martiaux,
Kung-fuActeurs Lo Lieh,
Chang Yi,
Lung FongNote64%

Meng Hu (Don Wong) and Capt. Chow Lung (Lo Lieh) are local supercops who are cracking down on crime with a vengeance. That is, until several fighters get the drop on Chow who ends up dead. Meng blames himself and retires from crime fighting to become a pathetic drunk, drowning in shame. He finds work at a brothel for a time, until a patron's abuse of one of the girls causes him to interfere despite his refusal to fight. After being wounded, he stumbles to the doorstep of a martial arts school run by Magistrate Chen (Chui Chung Hei). Hoping to stay away from conflict, Meng finds work there, but trouble finds him anyway. A white-haired master named Chung Tung (Chang Yi) tries to bribe Chen into letting opium smugglers into the city. Chen refuses and has acupuncture needles thrust into him that will kill him unless removed by Chung Tung who hopes to control the magistrate. Pushed to the limit, Meng finally comes up with a plan to help beat Chung Tung and save Chen. Sadly, Chen believes his son and daughter are giving into Chung Tung and he removes the needles himself. With nothing holding them back, Meng and Chen's offspring leap into action to take out this pack of drug pushers.
, 1h31
Réalisé par James TobackOrigine Etats-UnisGenres Drame,
ActionActeurs Harvey Keitel,
Tisa Farrow,
Marian Seldes,
Michael Vincenzo Gazzo,
Tanya Roberts,
Danny AielloNote66%

Jimmy, jeune pianiste en attente de succès, fait face aux difficultés de vivre à New York à la fin des années 1970, entre une petite amie qui se prostitue et un père loser mafieux qui lui demande de l'aide pour régler ses affaires. Des combats qu'il mènera de front, mais qui le mèneront très loin… Trop loin ?