Isolados is a 2014 Brazilian thriller film directed by Tomas Portella, starring Bruno Gagliasso, Regiane Alves and José Wilker. Shot in the inner Rio de Janeiro state during three weeks, the film is the last work of actor José Wilker, who died on April 5, 2014. It was premiered on August 8 at the 2014 Festival de Gramado.
The film follows the story of a couple who, after moving to an isolated house, begins to feel threatened by several violent stories that surrounds the location.
^ Guerra, Flavia (September 18, 2014). "Longas brasileiros apostam na produção independente". O Estado de S. Paulo. Retrieved September 22, 2014.
^ "Último filme de José Wilker abrirá Festival de Gramado em 2014" (in Portuguese). G1. July 22, 2014. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
^ "Exclusivo: Vídeo de Isolados revela o jogo de sombras usado na fotografia do suspense nacional" (in Portuguese). Adoro Cinema. September 11, 2014. Retrieved September 14, 2014.Synopsis
The film tells the story of Lauro, a young psychiatrist who fell in love with his former patient Renata. One day, they decide to travel to the mountains in search of tranquillity, without knowing that the site houses a serial killers couple, which are targeting women in the region. Isolated, they will have to fight alone for their lives.