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Mara of the Wilderness est un film américain de genre Aventure réalisé par Frank McDonald avec Adam West

Mara of the Wilderness (1965)

Mara of the Wilderness
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Aventure
Note55% 2.7711652.7711652.7711652.7711652.771165

Mara of the Wilderness is a 1965 adventure film directed by Frank McDonald, produced by former Disney animator Brice Mack with his studio Unicorn Films, and starring Adam West, Lori Saunders, and Theodore Marcuse.


In the contemporary areas of Alaska, Mara Wade (Lori Saunders) is a wild woman whose parents are killed in a Bear attack. Raised by wolves and wearing only a fur dress, she rescues and befriends an anthropologist named Ken Williams (Adam West) who is interested in teaching her what is in the world. But she is hunted as well by a ruthless carnival worker named Jarnagan (Theodore Marcuse) causing Ken to work to keep her safe.


Adam West

Lori Saunders

(Mara Wade (as Linda Saunders))
Theo Marcuse

Roberto Contreras

Denver Pyle

Bande annonce de Mara of the Wilderness

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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