A Dog's Breakfast is a Canadian comedy independent film produced in 2006. It was the first film to be written and directed by British-born Canadian actor David Hewlett, who is best known for his role of Dr. Rodney McKay in the TV series Stargate Atlantis. Hewlett created the film as a private off-season project and stars alongside his real-life sister Kate Hewlett and Stargate actors Paul McGillion, Christopher Judge and Rachel Luttrell. The film was produced by John Lenic and Jane Loughman.
Due to its strong affiliation with the Stargate franchise, the film generated considerable buzz within the Stargate fandom. It had several screenings in selected major towns in the US and the UK in late 2006 and 2007. MGM picked up worldwide television and home video rights to the film in early December 2006. The film was released on DVD on September 18, 2007 in The United States and Canada.Synopsis
Patrick et Marilyn, frère et soeur, entretiennent depuis toujours une relation très explosive et conflictuelle. Pas étonnant donc, de voir une guerre déclarer lorsque Marilyn ramène chez elle Ryan, une star de la TV, qui n'est autre que son fiancé.