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Naach est un film Pakistanais avec Shaan Shahid


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Naach is an upcoming Pakistani Urdu-language dance film directed by Nasir Tehrany and Omer Ikram. The film is produced by Nasir Tehrany. The film stars Shaan Shahid, Javed Sheikh, Momal Sheikh and Neil Uchong Ali.

^ by heena (2012-07-13). "Naach New Pakistani Dance Base Movie". Retrieved 2013-08-19.


The movie is all some sort of rivalry about Dance between Shaan Shahid and Javed Sheikh. Shaan seems to be a dance teacher as he is motivating the girl to dance well and Javed Sheikh on the other hand is doing a negative role somewhat like MHSA. Momal Sheikh and Neil Uchong Ali are the two dancers showing their artwork on stage and practicing their dance steps in many scenes.


Bande annonce de Naach

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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