Suggestions de films similaires à Seven and a Match
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Si vous avez aimé Seven and a Match, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
, 1h32 Réalisé parLee Toland Krieger OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDrame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique, Romance ThèmesSexualité, La virginité ActeursAdam Scott, Brittany Snow, J. K. Simmons, Alex Frost, Alysia Reiner, Jim Ford Note67% The film opens with Caleb Sinclaire sitting in a diner, forlorn and smoking a cigarette. He begins to cry, but composes himself when his younger brother, Peter approaches the table. Peter is an idealistic college student on Thanksgiving break and Caleb is begrudgingly giving him a ride home. At school, Peter has found a new girlfriend, Emma Gainsborough, and Caleb immediately grills him for details, beginning to show a misogynistic attitude. Emma and Peter met each other while Emma was on campus meeting some fraternity boys; while Peter says she’s a good girl and nothing happened, Caleb immediately perceives her as a whore. On the way to get Emma, Caleb reveals that he hasn't slept in a week.