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Siberia est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Robert Jan Westdijk avec Nicole Eggert

Siberia (1998)

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Durée 1h31
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Policier,    Romance
Note63% 3.1919453.1919453.1919453.1919453.191945

Siberia is a 1998 Dutch comedy film directed by Robert Jan Westdijk about a group of young Dutchmen who systematically rob tourists after having sex. Baywatch star Nicole Eggert has a cameo role in the film. The film was premiered on August 27, 1998 and attracted an attendance of around 54,000.


Goof, Hugo and his two friends have a special hobby, they bed foreign female backpackers in Amsterdam, and then run off with their backpacks. One of the friends find it more fun to photograph their victims as a souvenir. When Goof falls in love with a foreign girl their hobby is in danger.


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Source : Wikidata


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