Sly Cooper is an upcoming American-Canadian 3D computer-animated action/adventure comedy film based on the platforming video game series of the same name by Sony Computer Entertainment, specifically the 2002 video game Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. It will be produced and distributed by Cinema Management Group. Sony Computer Entertainment, its series developer, will play a role in the film’s production, screenplay, character development, and animation consulting. The film will be directed and written by Kevin Munroe (who also directed the 2007 animated film, TMNT), and produced by Brad Foxhoven and David Wohl. The film will star voice actors, including Ian James Corlett replacing Kevin Miller as the titular character of the same name, Matt Olsen and Chris Murphy reprise their voice roles as Bentley and Murray respectively. The film scheduled for a theatrical release in early 2016.Synopsis
The film tells the story of Sly Cooper, an orphaned raccoon and honorable master thief, and his childhood friends and partners in crime, including Bentley, a small green box turtle (and the brains), and Murray, a large pink hippopotamus (and the brawn). Sly has come from a long line of talented, international master thieves, and he is catapulted on a global adventure. Sly races on to recover pages from an ancient book called the "Thievius Raccoonus", as described in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, before it falls in the hands of Clockwerk, Sly's nemesis and an evil metallic owl who vowed on ending the Cooper family name.