Suggestions de films similaires à The Big Chance
Il y a 70 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 13 films avec le même réalisateur, 13788 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques, pour avoir au final
70 suggestions de films similaires.
Si vous avez aimé
The Big Chance, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :

, 1h21
Réalisé par Peter Medak,
John Peverall,
Peter Graham ScottOrigine Royaume-uniGenres Drame,
PolicierThèmes La mer,
PiratesActeurs Peter Cushing,
Yvonne Romain,
Patrick Allen,
Daphne Anderson,
Oliver Reed,
Michael RipperNote65%

En, 1792, le capitaine Collier (Patrick Allen) et son groupe de soldats débarquent à Romney Marsh sur la côte britannique afin d'enquêter sur une histoire de fantômes des marais semant la terreur dans le village voisin. Il soupçonne vite le révérend local (Peter Cushing) d'être pour quelque chose dans les événements qui s'y déroulent. Il s'avère que le révérend Blyss est un ancien chef pirate, connu sous le nom de capitaine Clegg, qui s'est réfugié dans ce village pour s'y faire oublier.
, 1h17
Réalisé par Peter Graham ScottOrigine Royaume-uniGenres Thriller,
PolicierThèmes Espionnage,
PolitiqueActeurs George Raft,
Sally Gray,
Clifford Evans,
Frederick Piper,
Reginald Tate,
Patricia LaffanNote55%

An American, Steve Rossi, enters Britain by slipping past immigration at Heathrow Airport, leading to a national manhunt by the police. He is finally intercepted by Joan Miller, an MI5 agent, who takes him to her superiors. Rossi reveals himself to be an FBI agent posing as a nuclear scientist in an attempt to infiltrate a gang kidnapping western scientists and taking them across the Iron Curtain. His contact in London is a man named Michael Grand who has recently arranged the kidnap of an American. With MI5's assistance, Rossi monitors Grand and arranges a meeting with him. Growing increasingly suspicious of Rossi, Grand and his organisation make several attempts to kill him.
Réalisé par Peter Graham ScottActeurs Charlie Drake,
Nyree Dawn Porter,
George Sanders,
Dennis Price,
Percy Herbert,
Eddie ByrneNote58%

Charlie Drake plays honest locksmith Ernest Wright whose problem is that he cannot resist the challenge of a lock. First he is duped by a debonair con man into opening a car. He is caught by the police but is released on probation. Next the same man fools him into breaking into a house, and he lands in jail for a year. When he is released, he gets tricked into opening a safe, for which he receives a three-year jail sentence and an undeserved reputation as a master thief. Upon his release he finds himself as a pawn being manipulated by two gangs into a safe-cracking scheme but, with the help of undercover police woman Muriel played by Nyree Dawn Porter, he helps trap the crooks and clear his name.
, 1h24
Réalisé par Peter Graham ScottOrigine Royaume-uniGenres ComédieActeurs Charlie Drake,
Derek Nimmo,
Wanda Ventham,
John Le Mesurier,
Anthony Nicholls,
Noël DysonNote52%

Percy Pointer, a construction worker and amateur dramatist, writes a drama 'Oh My Lord' and hopes to have it professionally produced. A dishonest producer agrees to back the play, hoping that it will be a disaster, so that he can claim insurance on its failure. To Percy's distress, the first audience see the play as a slapstick comedy, not the drama he intended it to be.