"Trinity and Beyond" est un documentaire présentant l'histoire du développement des armes nucléaires et de leurs essais couvrant la période 1945-1963. Le film, accompagné de la voix de William Shatner et d'une musique originale exécutée par l'Orchestre Symphonique de Moscou, révèle des images appartenant au gouvernement.
La réalisatrice voyage à travers l'Ukraine et la Biélorussie et observe les effets de la catastrophe nucléaire de Tchernobyl. De nombreux enfants souffrent de problèmes cardiaques, ainsi que de sévères problèmes liés aux radiations.
Sont principalement évoqués son rôle pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'accession au pouvoir du président Kennedy puis la crise des missiles de Cuba, et le déploiement de l'armée américaine au Vietnam.
From 1957 to 1978, scientists secretly removed bone samples from over 21,000 dead Australians as they searched for evidence of the deadly poison, Strontium 90 - a by-product of nuclear testing. Silent Storm reveals the story behind this astonishing case of officially sanctioned 'body-snatching'. Set against a backdrop of the Cold War, the saga follows celebrated scientist, Hedley Marston, as he attempts to blow the whistle on radioactive contamination and challenge official claims that British atomic tests posed no threat to the Australian people. Marston's findings are not only disputed, he is targeted as 'a scientist of counter-espionage interest'.
Original Child Bomb begins with a recreation of the dropping of Little Boy from the perspective of Hiroshima's residents. It is joined with both historical and contemporary footage and overlaid with various voice-overs. The documentary moves on to offer the accounts of several Japanese witnesses of the atomic bombing destruction.
Documentary about U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq who had been exposed to radioactive dust from dirty bombs when artillery shells coated with depleted uranium or DU are fired. Many suffer mysterious illnesses and have children with birth defects.