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Kermit the Frog

Kermit the Frog
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Kermit the Frog is Jim Henson's most famous Muppet creation, first introduced in 1955. He is the straight man protagonist of many Muppet projects, most notably on Sesame Street, and The Muppet Show, as well as in movies, specials, and public service announcements throughout the years. Henson originally performed Kermit until his death on May 16, 1990; Steve Whitmire has performed Kermit since that time. He was voiced by Frank Welker in Muppet Babies and occasionally in other animation projects.

Kermit performed the hit singles "Bein' Green" in 1970 and "The Rainbow Connection" in 1979 for The Muppet Movie, the first feature-length film featuring Henson's Muppets. The latter song reached No. 25 on the Billboard Hot 100. Kermit's iconic look and voice have been recognizable worldwide since, and in 2006, the character was credited as the author of Before You Leap: A Frog's Eye View of Life's Greatest Lessons, which is an "autobiography" told from the perspective of the character himself.


Kermit the Frog was born in Leland, Mississippi alongside approximately 2,353 siblings. According to the 2002 film Kermit's Swamp Years, at the age of 12, he was the first of his siblings to leave the swamp, and one of the first frogs to talk to humans. He is portrayed as encountering a 12-year-old Jim Henson (played by Christian Kriebel) for the first time.

According to The Muppet Movie Kermit returned to the swamp, where a passing agent (Dom DeLuise) noted he had talent and, thus inspired, he headed to Hollywood, encountering the rest of the Muppets along the way. Together, they were given a standard "rich and famous" contract by Lew Lord (Orson Welles) of Wide World Studios and began their showbiz careers. In Before You Leap, Kermit again references encountering Jim Henson sometime after the events depicted in the course of The Muppet Movie and details their friendship and their partnership in the entertainment industry, and credits Henson as being the individual to whom he owes his fame. At some point after the events of The Muppet Movie, Kermit and the other Muppets begin The Muppet Show, and the characters remain together as a group, before starring in the other Muppet films and Muppets Tonight, with Kermit usually at the core of the stories as the lead protagonist. The Muppet Movie says that the events of the movie are "approximate to how it happened" (referring to how the Muppets got started) when asked about the film by his nephew Robin.

The character regards Fozzie Bear as his best friend—a fact reiterated by Kermit in Before You Leap—and the two were frequently seen together during sketches on The Muppet Show and in other Muppet-related media and merchandise.

During a 2011 interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Kermit revealed that he was from the swamps of Louisiana.

On August 4, 2015, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy announced that they had ended their romantic relationship. On September 2, 2015, it was announced he had found a new girlfriend, a pig named Denise.

Ses meilleurs films

Joué par les acteurs

Steve Whitmire
Steve Whitmire
(11 films)
Jim Henson
Jim Henson
(7 films)
Michel Elias
Michel Elias
(1 films)
Lire plus : Wikipedia

Filmographie de Kermit the Frog (17 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste
Les Muppets : Ça c'est du cinéma !, 1h35
Réalisé par James Frawley
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie, Comédie musicale, Aventure, Musical
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, Film traitant du cinéma, La musique, Transport, Automobile, Mise en scène d'un chien, Mise en scène d'un cochon, Mise en scène d'un ours, Musique, Road movie, Films pour enfants, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Acteurs Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Milton Berle, Richard Hunt, Mel Brooks
Note75% 3.7966953.7966953.7966953.7966953.796695
Kermit la grenouille vit paisiblement dans son petit marais. Lorsqu'il entend parler d'une grande audition à Hollywood, il se laisse tenter par le voyage et part à bicyclette avec le doux espoir de réaliser ses rêves de star. En chemin, il rencontre une belle actrice, Miss Piggy, un comédien raté, Fozzie l'ours, et toute une série d'individus aussi particuliers que talentueux.
Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince, 51minutes
Réalisé par Jim Henson
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Fantasy, Musical
Thèmes Musique, Films pour enfants
Acteurs Trudy Young, Gordon Thomson, Carl Banas, Jim Henson, Jerry Juhl, Jerry Nelson
Note77% 3.8730153.8730153.8730153.8730153.873015
The special opens with Kermit and several other frogs sitting around a well, when a small frog they do not recognize appears. The frog introduces himself as Sir Robin the Brave, explaining that he is actually a prince. He recounts, in flashback, how he once fought an ogre named Sweetums and was transformed into a frog by Sweetums's master, the villainous witch Taminella Grinderfall. Taminella intended to give Robin to Sweetums as his breakfast, but Robin hopped away before they could catch him. The other frogs laughingly dismiss Robin's story as a fairy tale. Kermit is more sympathetic, though he himself does not fully believe Robin. Robin reveals to Kermit that he cannot swim, and Kermit gives him swimming lessons. Nearby, they hear King Rupert the Second proclaiming that he will step down as king that evening; and his daughter, Princess Melora (who is turning nineteen that day), will be crowned queen. Robin is overjoyed, as he must be kissed by a princess in order to be returned to human form.