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Carlos Galettini est un Acteur, Réalisateur, Scénariste, Assistant Director et Musicien Argentin né le 1938 à Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Carlos Galettini

Carlos Galettini
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Nationalité Argentine
Naissance 1938 (87 ans) à Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Carlos Galettini (born 1938) is a Silver Condor nominated Argentine film director, film producer and screenplay writer.

He worked mainly in the Cinema of Argentina. He directed Besos en la Frente in 1996.

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Filmographie de Carlos Galettini (9 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Cacería (2002)
, 1h30
Genres Thriller, Action
Acteurs Luis Luque, Claribel Medina, Carlos Galettini, Carlos Roffé
Note76% 3.818853.818853.818853.818853.81885
Running away from his criminal history, Daniel (Luis Luque) returns to his hometown of Redemption, a small town near Argentina. He reunites with his old flame Elisa (Claribel Medina) and childhood friend Miguel (Carlos Leyes), hoping to establish a new life for himself. However, his old gangster boss, Lucas (Juan Palomino), plans to hunt him down and force him to confront his past. Also starring Matias Sansone and Carlos Leyes.
Buenos Aires Vice Versa, 2h2
Réalisé par Alejandro Agresti
Thèmes La mer, Transport, Politique, Les dictatures latino-américaines
Acteurs Nicolás Pauls, Carlos Roffé, Carlos Galettini, Lorenzo Quinteros, Alejandro Agresti
Rôle Don Nicolás
Note68% 3.434053.434053.434053.434053.43405
Opening Title Graphic: As the film begins a message appears and reminds the audience that approximately 30,000 people died during the Dirty War due to the military dictatorship's reign during the late 1970s and early 1980s.


Extermineitors IV: Como hermanos gemelos, 1h30
Réalisé par Carlos Galettini
Genres Comédie, Action
Acteurs Guillermo Francella, Aldo Barbero, Jorge Rial
Note52% 2.6140652.6140652.6140652.6140652.614065
The leader of the Extermineitors task force, Colonel William, has discovered that the old enemy of the organization, Mc Clain, has left crime and lives quietly in Iguazu Falls. William wants Mc Clain to work for him and on the right side of the law. He develops a plan for his top man, Guillermo, to perform the mission of recruiting Mc Clain, by making him believe that Mc Clain is his long lost twin brother. From then on, Guillermo, and Mc Clain become friends and fight together against the old criminal organization of ninja robbers, now leadered by the vicious criminal known as The Albino.



La tregua
La tregua (1974)
, 1h48
Réalisé par Sergio Renán
Origine Argentine
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Héctor Alterio, Ana María Picchio, Aldo Barbero, Lautaro Murúa, Norma Aleandro, Sergio Renán
Rôle Assistant Director
Note72% 3.635313.635313.635313.635313.63531
The film opens on Martín Santomé's (Héctor Alterio) 49th birthday, a widower and the father of three children: the eldest, the embittered Esteban (Luis Brandoni); the caring middle-child Blanca (Marilina Ross) and Jaime (Oscar Martínez), a closeted homosexual. He goes to work thinking they have forgotten his birthday, and once at the office, he assigns two new employees to their jobs: the effeminate, nervous Santini (Antonio Gasalla) and the young Laura (Ana María Picchio), with whom he soon develops a bond. Back home, Martín is surprised with a party thrown by his children.
