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Christy Chung est une Actrice Canadienne née le 19 septembre 1970

Christy Chung

Christy Chung
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Nationalité Canada
Naissance 19 septembre 1970 (54 ans)

Christy Chung (born 19 September 1970) is a Canadian actress and restaurateur. She was born in Montreal to a Chinese-Vietnamese father and a Vietnamese mother.

Chung grew up in Brossard, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal, with French and Vietnamese as mother-tongues. She later learned English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

While studying for a career in the tourism industry at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), she entered and won the Miss Chinese Montreal contest in 1992. She then went to Hong Kong, in her first trip away from home, to participate in the Miss Chinese International Pageant 1993, in which she won despite not knowing a single Chinese word. This opened doors for her to launch her acting career there, despite not speaking a word of Cantonese at the time, and despite her extremely limited acting experience (an uncredited ten-second non-speaking role as a gum-chewing prostitute in Denys Arcand's Love and Human Remains). She had to choose between acting in Hong Kong and becoming the weather-forecast presenter at Société Radio-Canada, the French-language government television network in Canada.

A role in The Bride with White Hair 2 brought her instant recognition, and she became a well-known star in Chinese-language popular culture, acting in a large number of films including some films starring Stephen Chow, as well as The Bodyguard from Beijing starring Jet Li. She was married for a time to Glen Ross, and gave birth to daughter (Yasmine) in Montreal in the middle of the 1998 Ice Storm. Chung and Ross were divorced in 2002, but remain on good terms. Chung has sole custody of Yasmine.

Giving birth to Yasmine temporarily had a negative effect on her career because of a stereotypical impression that a mother could not function as a sex symbol, but her career recovered in 2000. More recently, she had roles in Samsara and Jackie Chan's movie The Medallion. She added Thai to her language repertoire when she starred in Nonzee Nimibutr's 2001 film Jan Dara. Singapore FHM magazine voted her the "Sexiest Woman in Asia" in 2000.

She is a brand ambassador and spokeswoman to slimming service Marie France Bodyline, prominently appearing on billboards and print ads.

Despite her success, she remains mostly unknown in Quebec, where she was born and grew up, because she has done most of her film work in Cantonese.

Chung was recently seen at the 2007 Sina Awards and is currently working on an album.

In 2003, Chung married to music producer Jon Yen. They have two daughters, Jaden Chloe Yen, who was born on August 2008, and Cayla Janie Yen on February 8, 2010. Chung and Yen divorced in 2011, citing pressures on Yen from her success in showbiz.

She has been living in Beijing. Chung is now a restaurant owner. She recently starred in Bruce Lee, My Brother playing the role of Bruce Lee's mother and Aarif Lee portrayed Lee.

Le plus souvent avec

Wong Jing
Wong Jing
(5 films)
Stephen Chow
Stephen Chow
(4 films)
Vincent Kok
Vincent Kok
(5 films)
Benny Chan
Benny Chan
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Christy Chung (27 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


將錯就錯, 1h32
Genres Comédie, Comédie romantique, Romance
Acteurs Christy Chung
Rôle Singaporean Police Officer
Note43% 2.1517752.1517752.1517752.1517752.151775
Bruce Lee, naissance d'une légende, 2h9
Réalisé par Raymond Yip Wai-man, Manfred Wong
Origine Hong kong
Genres Drame, Art martial, Biographie, Action, Wuxiapian
Thèmes Sport, Arts martiaux
Acteurs Tony Leung Ka-fai, Christy Chung, Michelle Ye, Lee Heung-kam, Lawrence Cheng, Candice Yu
Rôle Grace Ho Oi Yu
Note64% 3.220343.220343.220343.220343.22034
Un film basé sur le livre de Robert Lee, frère de Bruce Lee, qui rétablit pour la première fois la vérité sur le parcours hors du commun de cette légende.
凶男寡女, 1h35
Réalisé par Wong Jing, Billy Cheung
Origine Hong kong
Genres Thriller, Documentaire, Action, Horreur, Policier
Acteurs Christy Chung, Roy Cheung
Rôle Moon Siu
Note55% 2.791872.791872.791872.791872.79187
Moon Siu is a horror story writer who got refractive surgery the day before her wedding. That night she stays at an unfurnished house in the suburb with her sister Yan. When Moon was sleeping, three robbers Pau, Kei and Man, who were hiding out there, kills Yan and her boyfriend and stuffs her corpse in the refrigerator. Later Moon finds Yan's corpse and arrested Kei when her fiance Ted arrived. While unknown to Moon, Ted actually belongs to the same gang.
Le Médaillon, 1h28
Réalisé par Gordon Chan
Origine Hong kong
Genres Science-fiction, Thriller, Art martial, Comédie, Fantasy, Action, Aventure, Wuxiapian
Thèmes Magie, Sport, Arts martiaux, Buddy movie
Acteurs Jackie Chan, Lee Evans, Claire Forlani, Julian Sands, John Rhys-Davies, Carl Ng
Rôle Charlotte Watson
Note52% 2.604882.604882.604882.604882.60488
À Hong Kong, l'inspecteur Eddie Yang fait la rencontre de Jai, un mystérieux enfant pourchassé par le redoutable Snakehead. Ce que ce dernier convoite, c'est l'étrange médaillon qui a le pouvoir de rendre immortel et que possède l'enfant. L'infâme Snakehead parvient à enlever le jeune garçon et l'emmène dans son château en Irlande. Eddie se lance alors sur les traces de Jai et de son ravisseur. Le détective de Hong Kong Eddie Yang, la très jolie agent d'Interpol Nicole James et l'agent en chef gaffeur Arthur Watson conjuguent leurs efforts afin de sauver un garçon des griffes du vilain Snakehead. Mais lorsqu'il perd la vie au combat, Eddie est réanimé grâce au Médaillon et empreint de ses pouvoirs. Jouissant d'une nouvelle force surhumaine et son immortalité, Eddie tentera de déjouer les plans de domination sur le monde de Snakehead.
Samsara (2002)
, 2h25
Origine Allemagne
Genres Drame, Aventure, Romance
Thèmes Religion, Le Tibet, Bouddhisme
Acteurs Shawn Ku, Christy Chung, Jampa Kalsang Tamang
Rôle Pema
Note76% 3.8465053.8465053.8465053.8465053.846505
Ce film raconte l'histoire d'un moine bouddhiste qui, sortant de son ermitage au bout de 3 ans, 3 mois et 3 jours, recherche l'Illumination. De retour auprès de ses compagnons lamas, il est soudain en proie à de troublantes pulsions sexuelles. Au cours d'une expédition dans un village voisin, il fait la connaissance de Pema, une jeune femme dont il tombe amoureux. Des doutes l'assaillent et ébranlent son engagement spirituel. Apo, son moine tuteur, décide alors de l'envoyer dans un ermitage où des textes et pratiques tantriques l'initieront aux mystères de la vie sexuelle. Tashi comprend qu'il doit vivre certaines expériences s'il veut un jour y renoncer. Il choisit de quitter le monastère et de rejoindre le tourbillon du monde humain, le samsāra, pour le meilleur et pour le pire.
Jan Dara
Jan Dara (2001)
, 2h
Réalisé par Nonzee Nimibutr
Origine Thailande
Genres Drame, Romance
Thèmes La famille, Sexualité, Erotique, Homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Christy Chung
Rôle Miss Boonlueang
Note60% 3.0000053.0000053.0000053.0000053.000005
Un jeune homme dont la mère est morte en couches se voit brimé par son père pendant des années, avant de venir prendre sa revanche une fois adulte...
Gen-Y Cops
Gen-Y Cops (2000)
, 1h50
Réalisé par Benny Chan
Origine Hong kong
Genres Science-fiction, Thriller, Comédie, Action, Aventure, Policier
Thèmes Sport, Arts martiaux, Mise en scène d'un robot
Acteurs Edison Chen, Stephen Fung, Sam Lee, Paul Rudd, Christy Chung, Maggie Q
Rôle Insp. Chung
Note46% 2.3103952.3103952.3103952.3103952.310395
Un robot américain ultra perfectionné est volé durant une exposition à Hong Kong. Match, Alien et Edison sont chargés de le récupérer.
Tau mung
Tau mung (2000)
, 1h30
Origine Hong kong
Genres Comédie romantique, Romance
Acteurs Christy Chung, Stephen Fung
Rôle Sophia Chung
Note56% 2.811392.811392.811392.811392.81139
Stephen Lee was accepted to the university after the college entrance examination. He has a girlfriend Wu Shude, who is his first Love, they fell in love for seven years, and they don't have premarital sex.
Conman in Tokyo, 1h43
Réalisé par Ching Siu-tung
Origine Hong kong
Genres Comédie, Action
Thèmes Sport, Arts martiaux
Acteurs Louis Koo, Nick Cheung, Christy Chung, Athena Chu, Bryan Leung, Joe Cheng
Rôle Jersy's girlfriend
Note55% 2.769212.769212.769212.769212.76921
Jersy se considère comme un arnaqueur de premier ordre. En vacances à Tokyo avec sa petite amie Nancy, Jersy se trouve aux prises avec des Yakuzas. Il fait la rencontre de Cool, le roi des arnaqueurs.
All's Well, Ends Well 1997, 1h25
Réalisé par Alfred Cheung
Origine Hong kong
Genres Comédie, Romance
Acteurs Stephen Chow, Francis Ng, Raymond Wong Pak-ming, Leslie Cheung, Roy Chiao, Christy Chung
Rôle Little Suen
Note61% 3.0981053.0981053.0981053.0981053.098105
Kung (Stephen Chow) est le plus jeune frère de trois enfants. Gâté par ses parents, il n'a pas d'emploi, ne suit pas d'études, a beaucoup d'argent, beaucoup d'amies et un bon foyer, qu'il partage avec ses deux frères Lo Leung (Raymond Wong) et Fei (Francis Ng), sa belle-sœur Yinsu (Christine Ng ), la femme de Lo Leung, et son sage père, Mr Lo (Roy Chiao).
Troublesome Night, 1h38
Réalisé par Herman Yau
Origine Hong kong
Genres Comédie, Comédie horrifique, Horreur
Thèmes Fantômes, Comédie horrifique
Acteurs Simon Lui, Louis Koo, Ada Choi, Teresa Mak, Helena Law, Lee Lik-chi
Rôle Mrs. To
Note58% 2.901492.901492.901492.901492.90149
The film is set in the haunted streets of Hong Kong, with four loosely connected stories put together in one film. A group of youngsters go on a camping trip in the countryside, where Ken encounters a mysterious woman near a grave. His life is changed since then as he becomes a victim of ghost-meddling. As his friends return to Hong Kong without him, another sinister story begins. Mrs To has a date with her husband to celebrate their wedding anniversary, but he does not appear. The outcome of the second story leads to another story about Ken's friend Jojo having a romantic affair with a ghost. The fourth story is about Peter Butt visiting a haunted theatre with some of Ken's friends.