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Mazhar Munir est un Acteur

Mazhar Munir

Mazhar Munir
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Nom de naissance Mazhar Munir
Naissance à Londres (Royaume-uni)

Mazhar Munir is a television and film actor. Before co-starring in the 2005 movie Syriana, he appeared in three British television shows: The Bill, Mile High, and Doctors.


Munir was born in London to Kashmiri immigrant parents, a carpenter and a seamstress. He began his career by attending weekly drama workshops at the Theatre Royal Stratford East. He was then contacted by Hampstead Theatre in London, who offered them a stage role in Local Boy.

After that, Munir appeared in several TV series before making his film debut in Syriana. Munir was well received in Syriana, where he played Wasim Khan, an unemployed Pakistani immigrant living in the Middle East; the New York Times praised his "delicate, watchful sensitivity".

Munir also earned his marketing degree from Middlesex Business School. He speaks several languages including Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi.

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Filmographie de Mazhar Munir (2 films)

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Syriana (2005)
, 2h2
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller, Action, Espionnage, Romance
Thèmes Espionnage, Politique
Acteurs George Clooney, Matt Damon, Jeffrey Wright, Amr Waked, Chris Cooper, Amanda Peet
Rôle Wasim Khan
Note68% 3.4475053.4475053.4475053.4475053.447505
Le géant de l'énergie Connex gère et contrôle d'importants gisements de pétrole dans un pays dirigé par la famille al-Subaai. Cependant, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, fils de l'émir au pouvoir, le prince Nasir (Alexander Siddig), passe un accord autorisant une compagnie chinoise à effectuer des forages dans son pays. Ces autorisations remettent en cause les intérêts de l'industrie pétrolière américaine et du gouvernement américain.