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Ann Vickers est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par John Cromwell avec Irene Dunne

Ann Vickers (1933)

Ann Vickers
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Durée 1h16
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note61% 3.0975653.0975653.0975653.0975653.097565

Ann Vickers is a 1933 American Pre-Code romantic drama, starring Irene Dunne and Walter Huston. It is based on the novel of the same name by Sinclair Lewis.


After a military officer (Bruce Cabot) gets Ann Vickers (Irene Dunne) pregnant and leaves her, her baby dies during birth. Feeling stunned, Ann devotes herself to social work, taking a job in a women's prison. However, when she tries to improve the conditions there, she loses her job. She instead writes a book about the harsh realities of the prison and begins a romance with a married judge, Barney Dolphin (Walter Huston). This helps her career but frustrates her wish for a family.


Irene Dunne

(Ann Vickers)
Walter Huston

(Barney Dolphin)
Conrad Nagel

(Lindsey Atwell)
Bruce Cabot

(Captain Lafe Resnick)
Edna May Oliver

(Malvina Wormser)
Bande annonce de Ann Vickers

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Source : Wikidata


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