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City Limits est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par William Nigh avec Frank Craven

City Limits (1934)

City Limits
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Durée 1h7
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie romantique,    Romance
Note57% 2.8785452.8785452.8785452.8785452.878545

City Limits is a 1934 American Pre-Code romantic comedy film directed by William Nigh and starring Frank Craven, Sally Blane, Ray Walker and Claude Gillingwater. It was remade in 1941 as Father Steps Out.


In a variation of Captains Courageous, J.B. Matthews (Frank Craven) president of a railroad, is getting sick of doctors, when he falls off his train, and meets up with a pair of hoboes, King (James Burke) and Napoleon (Jimmy Conlin), who show him how to enjoy life, and real cooking. It's up to intrepid reporter Jimmy Dugan (Ray Walker) and Helen (Sally Blane) to find him, and bring him in; before a rival ruins him. But, time is running out.


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