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Faces in the Dark est un film Britannique de genre Thriller avec John Gregson

Faces in the Dark (1960)

Faces in the Dark
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Durée 1h24
Genres Thriller
Note65% 3.2895153.2895153.2895153.2895153.289515

Faces in the Dark is a 1960 British thriller film directed by David Eady and starring John Gregson, Mai Zetterling and John Ireland. The film is based on the 1952 novel Les Visages de l'ombre by Boileau-Narcejac.


Richard Hammond, an aggressive and ambitious business mogul inventor, with little or no time for his wife, friends or family, is blinded in an explosive accident, on the same day his long-suffering wife had planned on leaving him. He becomes convinced that he is going mad, but it soon becomes apparent this is a deliberate attempt by someone else. A devious woman, the inventor's wife, is plotting with her lover in an attempt to make her husband think he's going insane, in the hopes he will take his own life and leave them free to pursue their illicit affair in peace. Will his wife deserve her bleak inevitable fate ?


John Gregson

(Richard Hammond)
Mai Zetterling

(Christiane Hammond)
John Ireland

(Max Hammond)
Michael Denison

(David Merton)
Tony Wright

Nanette Newman

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Source : Wikidata


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