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Hillside Cannibals est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Leigh Slawner avec Tom Nagel

Hillside Cannibals (2006)

Hillside Cannibals
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Horreur,    Policier,    Slasher
Note23% 1.1907551.1907551.1907551.1907551.190755

Hillside Cannibals is a 2006 American horror film directed by Leigh Scott and produced by The Asylum. The film is a mockbuster of the film The Hills Have Eyes, another film released around the same month, but its plot also incorporates elements from other films, including Cannibal Holocaust, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and House of 1000 Corpses.


In the year 1606, Sawney Bean (Leigh Scott), a ruthless psychopath, earned a notoriety as the world's most brutal serial killer, predating Jack the Ripper and Bloody Bill by several hundred years. In life, Sawney was a cannibal, who captured his victims and literally butchered them, feasting on their corpses afterwards.


Tom Nagel

Erica Roby

Leigh Slawner

(Sawney Bean / David)
Bande annonce de Hillside Cannibals

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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