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Jeder stirbt für sich allein est un film de genre Drame avec Edith Schultze-Westrum

Jeder stirbt für sich allein (1962)

Jeder stirbt für sich allein
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Durée 1h40
Genres Drame
Themes Politique
Note88% 4.4487754.4487754.4487754.4487754.448775

Jeder stirbt für sich allein (Everyone Dies Alone) is a 1962 West German made for television political drama film based on a best-selling novel by Hans Fallada, itself based on the true story of a working class couple, Otto and Elise Hampel, who committed acts of civil disobedience against the government of Nazi Germany and were executed. Directed by former German Resistance member Falk Harnack—whose brother, sister-in-law and cousins were executed during the Nazi regime—it was the first screen adaptation of Fallada's novel.


Edith Schultze-Westrum

(Anna Quangel)
Harry Riebauer

(Ministerialrat Dr. Sommer)
Werner Peters

(Kriminalkommissar Escherich)
Hugo Schrader

(Enno Kluge)
Friedrich Schoenfelder

(Staatsschauspieler Harteisen)
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Source : Wikidata


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