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Madison Avenue est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par H. Bruce Humberstone avec Dana Andrews

Madison Avenue (1961)

Madison Avenue
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note59% 2.9530552.9530552.9530552.9530552.953055

Madison Avenue is a 1961 CinemaScope film directed by H. Bruce Humberstone starring Dana Andrews, Jeanne Crain and Eleanor Parker. The film was completed in 1960 but was not released immediately. On April 13, 1961, Madison Avenue opened at the Rialto Cinema in London's West End for a two-week run. In late April, the film had a UK general release as part of a double bill with The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. The film was not seen in the USA until January 1962.


Clint Lorimer (Dana Andrews) works for an advertising company run by J.D. Jocelyn (Howard St. John). He is fired after Jocelyn finds out that Clint intends to form his own ad agency and steal a top client.


Dana Andrews

(Clint Lorimer)
Eleanor Parker

(Anne Tremaine)
Jeanne Crain

(Peggy Shannon)
Eddie Albert

(Harvey Holt Ames)
Howard St. John

(J.D. Jocelyn)
Bande annonce de Madison Avenue

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Source : Wikidata


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