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Next to No Time est un film Britannique de genre Comédie réalisé par Henry Cornelius avec Kenneth More

Next to No Time (1958)

Next to No Time
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Durée 1h33
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note57% 2.8626052.8626052.8626052.8626052.862605

Next to No Time is a 1958 British comedy starring Kenneth More, Betsy Drake, John Laurie, Sid James and Irene Handl. It was written and directed by Henry Cornelius and was based on Paul Gallico's short story "The Enchanted Hour".


A mild-mannered British planning engineer is sent across the Atlantic by his firm to negotiate a deal for which he feels hugely out of his depth. He finds however, that his personality changes in synchronization with a clock.


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