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Roar of the Crowd est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par William Beaudine avec Howard Duff

Roar of the Crowd (1953)

Roar of the Crowd
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Durée 1h11
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Action
Themes Sport
Note53% 2.6532052.6532052.6532052.6532052.653205

Roar of the Crowd is a 1953 American sports film directed by William Beaudine and starring Howard Duff, Helene Stanley and Dave Willock. A number of racing drivers appears as themselves. The film was shot in cinecolor.


An aspiring young racing driver is injured in his first Indianapolis 500, and is persuaded by his fiancée to give up the sport. But she eventually has a change of heart, permitting him to make a comeback.


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