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Son of the Guardsman est un film américain de genre Aventure avec Robert Shaw

Son of the Guardsman (1946)

Son of the Guardsman
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Genres Aventure
Note58% 2.924812.924812.924812.924812.92481

Son of the Guardsman is a 1946 Columbia film serial. It was the 31st of the 57 serials produced by that studio.

Son of the Guardsman is a rare serial with a period setting, in this case 12th century England. The serial is largely based on the Robin Hood legends, to the extent of including outlaws from Sherwood Forest, but it does not include or reference Robin Hood himself.

The serial was produced by the notoriously cheap Sam Katzman and directed by Derwin Abrahams. Robert Shaw starred as the heroic noble-turned-outlaw David Trent with Charles King as his villainous uncle Sir Edgar Bullard.


Set in the middle ages, Sir Edgar Bullard conspires to conquer England. In doing so, he kidnaps the daughter of his rival, Lord Markham. This causes his nephew, David Trent, to turn against him and join the outlaws in Sherwood Forest, who led by Allan Hawk. Meanwhile, the outlaws of the forest support the usurped Prince Richard as the rightful ruler of England, who has been usurped by the regent Lord Hampton.


Robert Shaw

(David Trent)
Charles King

(Sir Edgar Bullard, David Trent's evil uncle)
Leonard Penn

(Mark Crowell)
Jock Mahoney

(Captain Kenley)
Bande annonce de Son of the Guardsman

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata

Columbia serials

Jungle Menace (1937) The Mysterious Pilot (1937) The Secret of Treasure Island (1938) Zorro, l'Araignée contre la Pieuvre (1938) The Great Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok (1938) Flying G-Men (1939) Mandrake the Magician (1939) Overland with Kit Carson (1939) Deadwood Dick (1940) Le Fantôme du cirque (1940) Terry and the Pirates (1940) The Green Archer (1940) L'araignée au Service Secret (1941) Tempête sur la prairie (1941) Holt Of The Secret Service (1941) The Iron Claw (1941) The Secret Code (1942) The Valley of Vanishing Men (1942) Perils of the Royal Mounted (1942) Captain Midnight (1942) Batman (serial) (1943) The Phantom (1943) Black Arrow (1944) The Desert Hawk (1944) Who's Guilty? (1945) Brenda Starr, Reporter (1945) Jungle Raiders (1945) The Monster and the Ape (1945) Son of the Guardsman (1946) Chick Carter, Detective (1946) Hop Harrigan (1946) The Sea Hound (1947) The Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West (1947) Brick Bradford (1947) Jack Armstrong (1947) Superman (1948) Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the Plains (1948) Congo Bill (serial) (1948) The Adventures of Sir Galahad (1949) Batman et Robin (serial) (1949) Bruce Gentry: Daredevil Of The Skies - 1949 (1949) Atom Man vs. Superman (1950) Pirates of the High Seas (1950) Cody of the Pony Express (1950) Mysterious Island (1951) Captain Video: Master of the Stratosphere (1951) Roar of the Iron Horse (1951) Son of Geronimo (1952) King of the Congo (1952) Blackhawk (serial) (1952) The Great Adventures of Captain Kidd (1953) The Lost Planet (1953) Riding with Buffalo Bill (1954) Gunfighters of the Northwest (1954) Adventures of Captain Africa (1955) Perils of the Wilderness (1956) Blazing the Overland Trail (1956)


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