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Tři vejce do skla est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Martin Frič avec Vlasta Burian

Tři vejce do skla (1937)

Tři vejce do skla
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Durée 1h34
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Policier
Note68% 3.4142753.4142753.4142753.4142753.414275

Tři vejce do skla (Three Eggs in a Glass) is a Czech comedy film directed by Martin Frič. It was released in 1937...Vincenc Babočka, a meaningless employee of police station, thinks he is a detective with exceptional abilities. Holiday in Karlovy Vary gives him an opportunity to prove to everyone what he is really worth. He is mistakenly considered to be international and police prosecuted adventurer Leon Weber. He decides to take advantage of the confusion and tries to find Leon's accomplice that are getting ready to steal diamonds belonging to Maharaja of Yohir. According to Weber plan, he meets Maharaja in disguise for Prince Narishkin. Everything is going according to the plan until the real Weber appears.


Vlasta Burian

(Vincenc Babočka)
Karel Dostal

Jaroslav Marvan

Theodor Pištěk

(policejní komisař)
Čeněk Šlégl

(učitel hudby)
Bande annonce de Tři vejce do skla

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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