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The Favor est un film américain de genre Drame avec Frank Wood

The Favor (2007)

The Favor
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Durée 1h50
Genres Drame
Note69% 3.456493.456493.456493.456493.45649

The Favor is a 2006 drama film written and directed by Eva S. Aridjis. The film is about a photographer living in New Jersey who gets a phone call from a woman who broke his heart 25 years ago. The film was premiered on October 15, 2006, at the Morelia Film Festival in Mexico and opened in Mexico on October 19, 2007. It opened in New York City on May 2, 2008.


The film begins with two high school sweethearts, Lawrence (played by Luke Robertson) and Caroline (played by Laura Breckenridge). They are about to go off to college, but claim they will stay together nonetheless. The film then jumps forward 25 years, and Lawrence (played by Frank Wood) is living back in his hometown, Bayonne, New Jersey, and is a photographer who photographs pets, as well as criminals at the local police station. He receives a surprise phone call from Caroline (played by Paige Turco), who has recently come back home in order to care for her sick father and who is divorced and has a troubled teenage son Johnny (played by Ryan Donowho). Caroline and Lawrence go on a date and rekindle their relationship, but shortly afterwards she dies in a freak accident. Johnny's father Harris (played by Aldo Perez) does not want to take care of him, and he will be going into foster care. When Johnny has a seizure at his mother's funeral, Lawrence decides to adopt him. The bulk of the film is about Lawrence and Johnny, and how Lawrence tries to be a father to Johnny while Johnny rejects him. Johnny also has a relationship with a neighborhood girl, Mariana (played by Isidra Vega), and problems with the local drug dealer Carter (played by Jesse Kelly).


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Source : Wikidata


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