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The Honourable Wally Norman est un film avec Kevin Harrington

The Honourable Wally Norman (2003)

The Honourable Wally Norman
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Durée 1h28
Note55% 2.7629752.7629752.7629752.7629752.762975

The Honourable Wally Norman is a 2003 Australian comedy film directed by Ted Emery. It stars Kevin Harrington, Shaun Micallef, and Greig Pickhaver.

It was filmed primarily in South Australia and was nominated for two AFI awards.


The story begins with a corrupt Member of Parliament (Micallef) shutting down a country town's main source of employment in the local meatworks. This leaves Wally Norman (Harrington) out of a job, until drunk politician Willy Norman accidentally writes the wrong name on the parliamentary nomination form.


Kevin Harrington

(Wally Norman)
Shaun Micallef

(Ken Oats)
Roz Hammond

(Dolly Norman)
Tom Budge

(Normie Norman)
Reg Evans

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Source : Wikidata


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