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Rogelio A. González est un Acteur, Réalisateur et Scénariste Mexicain né le 27 janvier 1920 à Monterrey (Mexique)

Rogelio A. González

Rogelio A. González
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Nationalité Mexique
Naissance 27 janvier 1920 à Monterrey (Mexique)
Mort 22 mai 1984 (à 64 ans) à Saltillo (Mexique)

Rogelio A. González (January 27, 1920 – May 22, 1984) was a Mexican film director, screenwriter, and actor. González directed 70 films, he was nominated for a Silver Ariel four times, and was also nominated for a Golden Ariel for La culta dama (1957). His film Hambre nuestra de cada día was entered into the 1st Moscow International Film Festival.

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Filmographie de Rogelio A. González (21 films)

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Mexico 2000, 1h35
Réalisé par Rogelio A. González
Genres Science-fiction, Comédie, Fantasy
Acteurs Chucho Salinas, Héctor Lechuga, Tina Romero
Note67% 3.3958653.3958653.3958653.3958653.395865
The film is set in an utopic Mexico City in 2000. Is composed by a series of sarcastic stories where the characters remember what once were the problems facing the country during the 1980s, such as education, family, security, transportation and politics. The film covers the lifestyle on 2000 where the characters are remembering how Mexico was just a few decades ago, with many social and political problems. In the first year of the twenty-first century all the inhabitants are unemployed, there are no homeless, no poverty, 3 languages are spoken, primary agricultural products are exported all over the world, the Americans emigrate to Mexico, and foreigners travel to study there. Likewise, the Mexican culture has spread around the world; it is the culture of the world's greatest power. Anyway, Mexicans are enthusiastic, disciplined, studious people; there is no racism or poverty or social inequality. There is no corruption, no pollution, no unemployment.
La Valentina, 1h39
Réalisé par Rogelio A. González
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs María Félix, Eulalio González, José Elías Moreno, Raúl Meraz, Graciela Lara, Carlos Agostí
Note68% 3.407893.407893.407893.407893.40789
In early 20th century Mexico, in the midst of the Mexican Revolution, the beautiful yet feisty Valentina Zúñiga marries an unnamed serviceman. Though she is part of the rural upper class, Valentina is a fervent supporter of the Revolution. At the same time but in another place, a smuggler named Genovevo Cruz García sells defective arms to the federal Mexican army.
Le squelette de Madame Morales
Réalisé par Rogelio A. González
Genres Drame, Comédie, Horreur, Policier
Acteurs Arturo de Córdova, Amparo Rivelles, Angelines Fernández, Antonio Bravo, Rosenda Monteros, Elda Peralta
Note77% 3.893583.893583.893583.893583.89358
Le film culte macabre de Rogelio A. González est une satire des paradoxes de la société mexicaine qui met à mal les hypocrisies de la classe moyenne avec jubilation. Arturo de Córdova, qui ne craint pas de se montrer scandaleusement odieux, fait de la taxidermie et du meurtre un acte carnavalesque.