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[Columbus stops Sanchez after he leaves an audience with the Queen. Sanchez looks at him, disgusted] You're a dreamer.
[shooting a glance out of a window] Tell me, what do you see?
[pausing to look] I see rooftops, I see palaces, I see towers, I see spires that reach... to the sky! I see civilization!
Columbus: All of them built by people like me.
[Sanchez doesn't respond - shocked]
Columbus: No matter how long you live, Sanchez, there is something that will never change between us. I did it. You didn't.
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Columbus: I believe the Indies are no more than 750 leagues west of the Canary Islands.
Antonio de Marchena: How can you be so certain?
Columbus: The calculations of Toscanelli, Marin de Tyr, Esdras...
Antonio de Marchena: Esdras is a Jew...
Columbus: So was Christ.
Antonio de Marchena: Two minutes and you're already a dead man.
Columbus: For telling the truth?
Antonio de Marchena: Yes. They are burning people for less. The men you are about the confront have no emotions. You must learn to control your passion.
Columbus: Passion is something one cannot control.
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Queen Isabella I.:
[During her last audience with Columbus] I have looked for a reason why I should allow you to go back and although I've tried I couldn't find one. Help me find one.
Columbus: All my life I have dreamt of reaching the continent. I thought my dreams grandiose. But reality was beyond my expectations. Far beyond. And now I want to explore that land before I die.
Queen Isabella I.: I allow you to undertake another voyage. But without your brothers. Nor for you to return to Santo Domingo or any other colonies. The New World is a disaster.
Columbus: And the old one an achievement?
Queen Isabella I.:
[after Columbus leaves] I know. I shouldn't tolerate his impertinence.
Sanchez: Then why?
Queen Isabella I.: Because he is not afraid of me.