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Appayya est un film de genre Romance réalisé par S. Narayan avec Srinagar Kitty

Appayya (2012)

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Genres Romance

Appayya (Kannada: ಅಪ್ಪಯ್ಯ) is a 2013 Kannada romance film written, directed and co-produced by S. Narayan. He has also scored the music for the film. It is produced under Bhagyavathi Combines. Srinagar Kitty and Bhama are in the lead roles. All songs have been arranged and programmed by Dharma Vish who has also composed the background music.

After much delay in finding the release date, the film finally made its premier across Karnataka on 13 September 2013.


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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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