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Aulad est un film Pakistanais avec Waheed Murad

Aulad (1962)

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Aulaad, a 1962 Pakistani Urdu black & white film. The film was released on 3 August by F. & Y. Movies. The film was produced by F.M. Sardar and S.M. Yousuf and was also directed by S.M. Yousuf. Casting included Habib, Nayyar Sultana, Waheed Murad, Rukhsana, Talish and Rehana. Aulaad starrerd Habib and Nayyar Sultana.


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Insaniyat (1967)

Origine Pakistan
Acteurs Waheed Murad, Zeba, Rafi Khawer, Sultan Rahi
Note31% 1.5803151.5803151.5803151.5803151.580315
Insaniyat is a story of a dedicated doctor (Waheed Murad) and a faithful wife (Zeba). Waheed leaves the country for abroad to get higher degree in medical sciences whereas his beloved Zeba waits for his return. Before his return, Zeba is forcefully married to Tariq Aziz by her parents. On wedding night, it is discovered that Tariq is a cancer patient. After returning home, Waheed saves his patient's (Tariq Aziz) life who was married to his beloved. Firdous played the role of a mad girl under medical treatment in Waheed's clinic.