Scott Hastings
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Hard? How hard do you think it's been for
me? To get you to dance with me in the first place? "Frangipani De la squeegee mop" "Wash the coffee cups, Fran, how's your skin, Fran?"
Hard? Doug Hastings
Barry Fife
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Liz: What do I want? I'll tell you what I want! I want Ken Railings to walk in here right now, and say "Pam Short's broken both her legs, and I want to dance with you!"
[We witness Pam Short in a car accident. Then the door flies open, and Ken walks into the dance studio.]
Ken: Pam Short's broken both her legs, and I want to dance with you.
Kylie: That was unexpected.
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Ken: Look, a beginner has no right to approach an Open Amateur.
Fran: Yeah, well an Open Amateur has no right to dance non-Federation steps, but you did, didn't you?
Ken: But that's different.
How is it different? You're just like the rest of them! You think you're different, but you're not, because you're just, you're just really scared! You're really scared to give someone new a go, because you think, you know, they might just be better than you are! Well, you're just pathetic, and you're gutless. You're a gutless wonder!
[shouting] Vivir con miedo, es como vivir a medias! Taglines