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[As a Turaga, narrating the opening scene] Gathered friends, listen again to our legend of the Bionicle. In the time before time, in the glorious city of Metru Nui, we believed our noble Toa would protect us. But, they fell, one by one, as an unrelenting shadow sought to enforce endless sleep, so that he could create a time of dark order, and awaken the world...as their conqueror.
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I'll never be a
real Toa. I can't even make a decent mask. I'm just a cross-wired freak who has weird dreams. Toa Lhikan, you've got it wrong.
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[About to awaken the Matoran] Toa Lhikan sacrificed his power for us. Now, we shall do the same for them.
[Sacrifices his Toa power and becomes a Turaga]
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[After transforming into a Turaga] Let the heart of Metru Nui live forever, for this is the island of Mata Nui, named in honor of the Great Spirit.
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[As a Turaga, narrating the ending scene] And so it was, as it is. Matoran into Toa, Toa into Turaga, Turaga into legend. Remembering deeds past...
[Gives Lhikan's mask to Jaller] ...and bringing hope to the future.
[The other Turaga and Matoran cheer] United in Duty. Bound in Destiny. This is the way...of the Bionicle.
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[Driving a Vahki transport off a bridge into the sea] Let's hope this thing floats!
[It sinks, then comes back up] Hey...it
does float! Kinda.
"Turaga Dume"/Makuta
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[To Vakama, after losing the Mask of Time] Without the Mask of Time, it will take a lifetime's journey to find both our destinies! ...Only
yours...will be brief!
[Attacks Vakama in rage]Onewa
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[Watching Lhikan test Nuju] Build a tower? A thinker would never lay hands on stone! They're too busy with their heads in the stars!
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Toa Lhikan: Making Great Masks, Vakama?
Matoran Vakama: Toa Lhikan! Not yet, but with the right disks...
Toa Lhikan:
[Hands out a Toa Stone] But first, the city needs your help!
Matoran Vakama:
My help?
Toa Lhikan: Matoran are vanishing. Deceit lurks in the shadows of Metru Nui.
[Hears the Dark Hunters approaching] Keep it safe.
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[After Lhikan has been captured]
Matoran Vakama: Without you, we have no Toa. Who will protect us now?! I-I should've done something!
Turaga Dume:
[Enters with two Vahki] Do not blame yourself, Vakama.
Matoran Vakama: Turaga Dume!
Turaga Dume: You are a mask-maker, not a Toa. I have come for the Mask of Time.
Matoran Vakama:
[Stammering] I am sorry, Turaga. It's not yet ready. Great Masks take time to craft.
Turaga Dume: Perhaps you are using inferior disks.
Matoran Vakama: I use the finest quality available. Only Great Disks are more pure, but...they can only be retrieved by a Toa.
Turaga Dume: Of course. Pity Toa Lhikan is not here to help. Bring the Mask of Time to the Coliseum in time for the Great Contest. The destiny of Metru Nui rests in your hands.
[He leaves]
Matoran Vakama:
[To himself] That's what Toa Lhikan said.
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[Vakama enters the Great Temple and bumps into Matau]
Matoran Matau: Fire-Spitter...did you wrong-turn?
Matoran Vakama: You tell me.
[Their Toa Stones mysteriously glow as the other Matoran arrive] It appears we are not alone.
Matoran Nokama: Well, Toa Lhikan summoned me.
Matoran Onewa: Me too.
Matoran Nokama: It appears we have all received these curious stones. Each different, yet each unique.
Matoran Matau: Just like us, all Matoran–some just more handsome then the rest.
Matoran Whenua: Who's heard of Matoran being summoned to the Great Temple like this?
Matoran Nuju: We are all just strangers here.
Matoran Onewa: Some more so than the rest.
[Teasingly nudges Vakama]
Matoran Nokama:
[Indignant] Your negativity pollutes this sanctuary, builder!
Matoran Onewa:
[Apathetic] Save the lesson for your class, teacher.
Matoran Vakama: Look, we're here for a reason.
[Nokama notices the Toa Suva is glowing and inserts her stone into it; a hologram of Lhikan's mask appears]
Matoran Nokama:
[Amazed] Toa Lhikan!
[The other Matoran insert their stones into the Toa Suva; the Lhikan hologram speaks to them]
Toa Lhikan: Faithful Matoran. Metru Nui needs you. A shadow threatens its heart. Prove yourselves worthy Toa! And fear not–the Great Spirit shall guide you in ways you could not imagine.
[The Matoran are transformed into the Toa Metru]
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[Being held by Krekka] But the entire system could explode if I reverse the flow!
Nidhiki: Do it.
[snaps his pincers]
[Stammering] Then again, it-it might work.
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[The mysterious Turaga is training Onewa, Whenua, and Nuju in prison; Whenua bumps into Onewa while blindfolded and loses patience]
Toa Whenua:
[Frustrated] That was a
complete waste of time!
Mysterious Turaga: Without self-discovery you will never find your destiny. This is every Toa's duty to the Great Spirit.
Toa Whenua: This whole thing is a load of duty if you ask me.
Toa Onewa: Sit down, Whenua.
Toa Whenua:
[Turns to Onewa] Taking orders from a Turaga was one thing, but from an overgrown hammer-swinger...!
Toa Onewa:
[His mask power, mind control, activates] Sit down. Sit...down! Sit down,
[Whenua is magically forced to sit down]
Toa Whenua:
[Growls angrily] That's it! You're history, builder! Even if I don't know how you did that!
[Gets up and advances on Onewa]
Toa Nuju: Stop!
[His mask power, telekinesis, activates and he destroys a wall, then drags the debris over to them]
Toa Whenua: Whoa! How'd you do that?!
[Onewa and Nuju look at each other and see their masks are glowing]
Toa Onewa:
[In chorus with Nuju] Your mask!
[By himself] Your mask is glowing!
Toa Nuju: It's amazing!
Mysterious Turaga:
[Approaches the hole in the wall that Nuju made] I believe it is time to depart.
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[Matau uses his shapeshifting mask power against the Dark Hunters]
Krekka: Nidhiki! Where'd the Toa go?
Toa Matau:
[As Nidhiki] You must have let him slip past! Circle the other way back!
[Nidhiki approaches]
[Growls] Where did the Toa go?
[Matau shapeshifts into Krekka] You let him get by you?!
Toa Matau:
[As Krekka] Maybe he sneaked past!
[Krekka sees Nidhiki and Matau, disguised as Nidhiki, emerge from opposite sides of a rock formation; he mistakes the real Nidhiki for the fake one and grabs him]
Nidhiki: Let go! Let go!
Krekka: Where's the Toa?
Nidhiki: How should I know?! I told you to go
that way!
Krekka: You told me to go the
other way!
[Nidhiki points after Matau as he escapes]
Toa Matau: Shapeshifting! Some mask powers are worth the wait!
[Rides off on his Kikanalo] Yee-haw!
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[After the Toa Metru reunite]
Toa Nuju: How did you know we would be here?
Toa Nokama: We didn't. We came for Toa Lhikan.
Toa Onewa:
[Shrugs] He's not here.
Mysterious Turaga: Well...
[Chuckles] Not exactly.
[Removes his helmet, revealing he is Lhikan]
Toa Vakama: Toa Lhikan?!
Turaga Lhikan: No, Vakama.
You are Toa. I am
Turaga Lhikan.
Toa Whenua: Why didn't you tell us who you were?
Turaga Lhikan: Your task was to find out who
you are. Only then would your powers reveal themselves.
Toa Matau: Quick-stop! Where did
your power go?
Turaga Lhikan: It lives on in all of you!
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Toa Vakama:
[sees the real Turaga Dume inside the Matoran container] Turaga Dume?
Turaga Lhikan: The
true Turaga Dume, as I feared! An imposter is posing as a mask we all trust.
[Vakama hears Makuta's voice in his head]
Makuta: Bring me...the Mask...of Time!
Toa Onewa: If this is Turaga Dume...
Toa Vakama: You don't want to know who's
really in control of Metru Nui.
[A swarm of Vahki approaches]
Toa Matau: Vahki! Run now, talk later!
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[As Turaga Dume] Too late, Toa.
[Lets out an evil laugh and takes off his mask, revealing his identity] The shadow has arrived!
Turaga Lhikan: Makuta! You had sworn to protect the Matoran!
Makuta: I shall. And when they awake...I shall be their great leader.
Toa Vakama: Deceit and self-interest will never be the virtues that the Matoran honor!
[Chuckles] How very bold. Now even the Great Spirit will soon sleep!
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[Vakama confronts Makuta with the Mask of Time]
Makuta: Ah, the Mask of Time. You are a
great mask-maker. You could have many destinies.
[Hypnotically] Come...join my brothers and me!
Toa Vakama: I desire just one
noble destiny, more than any power
you can offer me!
Makuta: Then accept...your...doom.
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[Lhikan is mortally wounded by Makuta]
Toa Vakama: Lhikan!
[Runs over to him] That was meant for
Turaga Lhikan: No. This is
my lifetime's journey. Yours lies beyond. Trust your visions. I am proud to have called you..."brother"...
[Smiles and gives Vakama his mask] Toa...Vakama.
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[After Makuta is crushed by a pillar]
[To Vakama] If Toa Lhikan could not defeat me alone, how could
Toa Nokama:
[The other Toa appear] Because he's
not alone!
Toa Vakama: You tell him sister!
All Toa: Unity!
[They seal Makuta in a crystalline protodermis prison with their powers]Cast