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Goddammit, now can't ANYBODY up there hear me! Just let your hair down! Can't you talk? All of you, just talk, to me, to each other!... Jesus Christ!
Bobby Mills
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I couldn't catch a ball if it had Elmer's Glue on it. And wouldn't my father have to be this big ex-football hero. Well, he was so humiliated, he didn't know what to tell his friends, so he told them all I had Polio. On Father's Day, I used to limp for him.
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Mike Cass: How many jobs are there?
Larry: 4 and 4.
Judy Monroe: 44?
Sheila: No, 4
and 4.
Larry: 4 boys, 4 girls.
Sheila: Need any women?
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Zach: Tell me about the Bronx.
Diana: What's to tell about the Bronx? It's uptown and to the right.
Zach: What made you start dancing?
Diana: Who knows? I'm Puerto Rican. We jump around a lot.
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Connie: Connie Wong. Always Wong, never Wight.
[Zach looks up]
Connie: Bad joke. I was born in Chinatown, lower east side.
Zach: How old are you?
Connie: I was born December 5th, four thousand six hundred and forty two, the Year of the Chicken.