Coach Carter
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When we step on the floor every second that clock is ticking, we are pedal to the metal, we run the ball, we pressure the ball, and most importantly we control the tempo of the game, we make them play Richmond Oiler ball!
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[to the people in attendance at the board hearing] You really need to consider the message you're sending these boys by ending the lockout. It's the same message that we as a culture send to our professional athletes; and that is that they are above the law. If these boys cannot honor the simple rules of a basketball contract, how long do you think it will be before they're out there breaking the law? I played ball here at Richmond High 30 years ago. It was the same thing then; some of my teammates went to prison, some of them even ended up dead. If you vote to end the lockout, you won't have to terminate me; I'll quit.
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"Nigga" is a derogatory term used to insult our ancestors. See, if a white man used it, you'd be ready to fight. Your using it teaches him to use it. You're saying it's cool. Well, it's not cool, and when you're around me, I don't want to hear that shit! Are we clear?
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[Timo Cruz tries to punch Coach Carter, but Carter blocks it and slams him against the wall]
Timo Cruz: Teachers ain't supposed to touch students.
Coach Carter: I'm not a teacher. I'm the new basketball coach.
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Coach Carter: You, shooting the ball, what's your name sir?
Jason Lyle: Jason Lyle, but I ain't no sir.
Coach Carter: Oh, well are you a madam?
[team laughs]
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Coach Carter: Well... not quite your storybook ending huh. Not for us anyway. But you men played like champions... you never gave up. And champions hold their heads high. What you achieved goes way beyond the win-loss column or what’s gonna be written on the front page of the sports section tomorrow. You’ve achieved something that some people spend their whole lives trying to find... what you achieved is that ever elusive victory within, and gentlemen... I am so proud of you. 4 months ago when I took the job at Richmond I had a plan.. that plan failed. I came to coach basketball players and you became students. I came to teach boys, and you became men. And for that I thank you. If someone walked in this door right now and offered me the coaching job at any school in the state of California, you know which school I’d choose?
Worm: St. Francis?
[everyone snickers] I'm just sayin'...
Kenyon: Richmond?
Coach Carter: Rich-what?
Whole team: Richmond.
Coach Carter: Rich-what?
Whole Team: Richmond!
Coach Carter: Where we from?
Whole Team: Richmond!!
Coach Carter: What's my home town?
Whole Team: Richmond!!!
Coach Carter: What we love?!
Whole Team: RICHMOND!
Coach Carter: Rich-whaaat?!
Whole Team: RICHMOND!!!
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Jason Lyle:
[to Coach Carter as he walks into the gym] Sir, they can cut the chains off the door, but they can't make us play.
Damien Carter:We've decided we're going to finish what you've started, sir.
Worm: Yeah, so leave us be, coach. We've got shit to do, sir.
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Principle Garret: Your job, Mr. Carter, is to teach these boys basketball. I suggest you start doing your job.
Ken Carter: Your job is to educate these students- I suggest you start doing yours.
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Kenyon Stone:
[running suicides] Yo, how many we gonna do?
Coach Carter: Sir.
Kenyon Stone: Yo, sir, how many we gonna do?
Coach Carter: Let's see how many you can do in... one hour and seven minutes.
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Coach Carter: I end up taking a road trip to the suburbs where I find my drunk ass point guard on top of Daddy's little princess!
Worm: Actually, I was on the bottom, coach, she was on the top.
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Coach Carter:
[talking to his players] "What is wrong with you? What's wrong with all of you? Since when is winning not enough, playing hard not enough? No, you have to humiliate your opponents. Taunt'em after every score. You won 4 games last season. FOUR! What gives you the right to the game that I love with trash talk and taunting? What gives you the right to wear Richmond on your chest and act like punks?
Kenyon: Coach, they were jawin', too.
Coach Carter: So? You can't show some class? Act like a champion? You owe me 500 push-ups a piece. On the line, NOW!