William Bludworth
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In death, there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps, and no escapes. You have to realize that we're all just a mouse that a cat has by the tail. Every single move we make, from the mundane to the monumental, the red light that we stop at or run, the people we have sex with or want with us, the airplanes that we ride or walk out of—it's all part of Death's sadistic design leading to the grave.
Alex Browning
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The mortician said that Death has a design. Okay. I'm talking about omens. How do we know that just by sitting here—by sipping this coffee, or breathing the air, or even crossing the intersection—that we haven't started in motion the events that will some day lead to our death: forty years from now, ten years from now, tomorrow? We don't. Unless we open ourselves up to the signs it's willing to show us.
Clear Rivers
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How do we know this isn't exactly what was meant to happen? That out of everyone on Flight 180, you, me and Carter were meant to live. Maybe that was the design all along.
Tod Waggner
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[Reading his memorial speech.] We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun, or that death could arrive this same afternoon—this afternoon, which is so certain, and which has every hour filled in advance.
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Clear Rivers: Almost autumn.
Alex Browning: It's only the end of June.
Clear Rivers: Yeah, but everything's always in transition. If you focus, even now, just one week into summer, you can almost feel autumn coming.
[Turns towards Alex.] Kind of like being able to see the future.