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Deux nigauds chez Vénus est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Charles Lamont sorti en France le 19 novembre 1954 avec Bud Abbott

Deux nigauds chez Vénus (1953)

Abbott and Costello Go to Mars

Deux nigauds chez Vénus
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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Miss Frances Planey: Orville, after you've finished flying the jet ships for the children, bring them back to the orphanage. Then cut the lawn and water the plants.
Orville: All right, Miss Planey.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mugsy: I would like to ask you one simple question: How many states are you wanted in?
Harry: How many are dere?
Mugsy: Forty eight.
Harry: Dat's how many.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Lester: I hereby claim Mars in the name of the United States of America.
Orville: Me too.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook THEY'RE OUT OF THIS WORLD ON A MISGUIDED MISSILE!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook OUTER-SPACE FUN SPREE!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook They're too wild for one world!