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[talking about Nanny always saying things three times] I asked her once why she always did that... then she told me not to be so rude, rude, rude!
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Bill: So, how's that Christmas list coming?
Eloise: Still one or two items short.
Bill: How many you got so far?
Eloise: 73. What? I think it's nice to give Santa lots of options.
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Eloise: Mr. Peabody?
Mr. Peabody:
[groan] Oh, no.
Eloise: I have a bone to pick with you!
Mr. Peabody: Please, no bones today, Eloise.
Eloise: But it's a matter of life and death!
Mr. Peabody: Where's Cornelia?
Eloise: Uhm...I believe she had to step out.