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Hasyarathna Ramakrishna est un film réalisé par B.S. Ranga avec Anant Nag

Hasyarathna Ramakrishna (1982)

Hasyarathna Ramakrishna
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Durée 2h20
Réalisé par

Hasyaratna Ramakrishna (Kannada: ಹಾಸ್ಯರತ್ನ ರಾಮಕೃಷ್ಣ ) is a 1982 Indian Kannada language comedy film directed by B. S. Ranga. The film stars Anant Nag in the role of a poet, Ramakrishna. It also features Aarathi, Manjula and Srinath in the pivotal roles. The film was a remake of director's own Telugu film Tenali Ramakrishna (1956).


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Note78% 3.9011353.9011353.9011353.9011353.901135
The movie stars and revolves around the life of Krishna (Puneeth Rajkumar) who is considered as an unlucky person and is shunned by most of his family members except his grandfather and his brother's wife.