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Hellraiser : Révélations est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Víctor García avec Steven Brand

Hellraiser : Révélations (2011)

Hellraiser: Revelations

Hellraiser : Révélations
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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [nailing a square piece of flesh to Pseudo's head] Birth... is pain. Each nail... each new square of flesh... wrenches you further from the fleshy existence you knew before.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Unless you want to taste her blood, feel her freshly razored flesh against your own, you'll sit in silence. We have no desire for you.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook This trinket of sensation you feel now will be a delight compared to the onslaught of agony that awaits at our hands.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook These banal beings have nothing. Desire has abandon them all. Except for her. The dark seed that grew within you now germinates within her.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook When this existence ceases to fulfill, we will be waiting.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Even that which is born of the flesh... is still just flesh. Then no flesh will be spared.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Pinhead: You have a darkness that rivals my own, Nico. It will be a very special pleasure to rip you apart.
Nico: Hang on, hang on. She opened the box, the girl!
[Pseudo appears]
Nico: Steven? Steven, is that you?
Sarah: Steven?
Pinhead: Human names, human memories, they have no place, nor meaning, in our existence.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Ross: [after shooting Nico] No one gets to kill you but me, you little fuck.
Nico: Thank you.
Pinhead: Fool. We had all we desired. Our appetite was sated. And the eternity of suffering he would've experienced at our hands, would've been more vengeance for you then you can possibly imagine. But your actions have denied us. Denied us that exquisite joy. Now there is a deficit of flesh. Debt is outstanding. And we seek payment.
Ross: No. No, please take me.
Pinhead: No. What few moments that you have remaining will be spent in agony... that the indulgence of your own foolish vanity has cursed your wife to unparalleled terrors at the hands of others.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Steven Brand as Ross Craven

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Nick Eversman as Steven Craven

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Tracey Fairaway as Emma Craven

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Sebastien Roberts as Peter Bradley

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Devon Sorvari as Sarah Craven

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Sanny Van Heteren as Kate Bradley

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Daniel Buran as Vagrant

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Jay Gillespie as Nico/Skinless Nico/Pseudo-Pinhead

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Jacob Wellman as Robert Ellen

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Sue Ann Pien as Hooker/Skinned Face Girl #1

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Adel Marie Ruiz as Mexican Girl