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Huntingtower est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par George Pearson avec Harry Lauder

Huntingtower (1927)

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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Aventure
Note23% 1.1658151.1658151.1658151.1658151.165815

Huntingtower is a 1927 British silent adventure film directed by George Pearson and starring Harry Lauder, Vera Voronina and Patrick Aherne. It was based on the 1922 novel Huntingtower by John Buchan and made at Cricklewood Studios. The art direction was by Walter Murton.


The film is ″(a) tale of chivalry in modern times, involving a Glasgow grocer and a Russian princess imprisoned in a deserted castle″ according to the British Film Institute.


Harry Lauder

(Dickson McCunn)
Patrick Aherne

(Captain John Heritage)
Moore Marriott

Nancy Price

Bande annonce de Huntingtower

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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