In the Game is a 2015 documentary film directed by Peabody award-winner Maria Finitzo that follows the ups and downs of a girls’ soccer team. Set is a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood, this film chronicles the obstacles that struggling low-income families and therefore students must face in their quest for higher education. Elizabeth, captain of the girls soccer team, stresses going beyond what is expected of her teammates on and off the court. Many of the girls are juggling the pressures to get good grades, perform well for their soccer team, and help their families out financially by working. Kelly High School on Chicago’s south side is an inner city public school struggling to provide the basics for their students because of a lack of resources and funding with the school experiencing $4 million budget cuts in the most recent years. Many students of Kelly High School do not make it to college, either because they cannot compete academically or because their families do not have the financial resources to send them to college. The girls face an uneven playing field - or in the case of the girls at Kelly High School, no soccer field at all - little or no support, problems at home, uncertain futures, racial discrimination, and poverty, but remain driven and hopeful thanks to their teammates and the dedicated mentoring of their coach.
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, 1h48 Réalisé parSönke Wortmann OrigineAllemagne GenresDocumentaire ThèmesSport, Documentaire sur le sport, Football Note69% S'inspirant du film Les Yeux dans les Bleus, le réalisateur et son caméraman ont filmé de l'intérieur le quotidien de l'équipe au cours de l'épreuve. Le film couvre une période qui va du stage préparatoire à la compétition jusqu'à la fête finale avec les supporteurs allemands à Berlin après le match pour la troisième place remporté contre le Portugal. On y retrouve ainsi les scènes typiques du quotidien des footballeurs telles que les discours des entraîneurs ou la déception après la défaite face à l'Italie en demi-finale. Dans le documentaire, on découvre de manière plus intime les différents joueurs de la sélection. On y apprend par ailleurs que le sélectionneur Jürgen Klinsmann délègue la partie tactique à son adjoint Joachim Löw pour se consacrer à la motivation des joueurs lors de ses « causeries » avant les matchs et pendant les mi-temps.
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, 1h37 OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresDocumentaire ThèmesSport, Documentaire sur le sport, Football ActeursGary Oldman, Elliot Francis Note68% The film revisits the iconic footballing footage: Paul Gascoigne's tears, Gary Lineker's goals, David Platt's volley against Belgium, Lineker mouthing to the touchline after Gascoigne's yellow card against West Germany, Bobby Robson's rueful smile and consoling Gascoigne with the words, "You've got your life ahead of you. This is your first." As well as English football hooligans, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher backing a proposal to stop England going to Italy, Tory Sports minister Colin Moynihan encouraging the Italian police to be extremely firm with England's supporters, the tabloid press hounding of Sir Bobby and Chris Waddle's calamitous penalty shoot-out kick. It weaves rare, unseen footage with a Gary Oldman-voiced narrative and a soundtrack with early nineties music.