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Jism est un film Pakistanais avec Shamil Khan

Jism (2006)

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Jism [Translation: Body] is a Pakistani Urdu film directed by Rasheed Dogar. Singers are Ameer Ali, Asma Lata, Saima Akhtar and Sana Khan. The film was banned in Pakistan because of inappropriate scenes shown.


The story basically centers around Zeeshan (Shamil Khan) who is a boy. His friend who leads an un-cultural life has an influence on him. Zeeshan falls in love with a pretty girl, then later he has news that his uncle is near to death. He rushes home to find out that his last request was to marry his daughter Kieren (who he does not love), he promises to marry in panic despite not loving her. After his uncle's death he denies to marry Kieren, but his mum convinces him, not knowing what an impact this act will cause.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Origine Pakistan
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The movie shows culture and its values, expanding the facts and addressing social evils in our side of the world. The story revolves around a woman who raises her voice against tyranny. Basanti is the story of a very average woman, one who is taken for granted. Basanti is a wall that stands solid against the gales of human wrongdoings.
Hum Ek Hain
Réalisé par Syed Noor
Origine Pakistan
Acteurs Shaan Shahid, Saima, Shamil Khan

Hum Eik Hain begins with an Aaan showing Badshahi Mosque and other parts of Lahore with rather badly photographed (and badly lit) clips. The titles end on Shan (Mustafa) who is the muezzin. He is educated, wears jeans and is looking for a job. But he can't get a job even with repeated interviews. The academic degrees are not even worth good enough to be sold as waste paper. Trash must go to trash and the degrees are burnt alive in a rage of disappointment and frustration. There seems to be plenty of fire around at nights around Lahore with flames burning inside large empty drums (read 'a heavy symbolism of hero's agony').
Larki Punjaban
Réalisé par Syed Noor
Origine Pakistan
Genres Drame
Acteurs Babar Ali, Shamil Khan, Saima, Rashid Mehmood
Note58% 2.90492.90492.90492.90492.9049
Le film tourne autour de la romance et des tribulations entre une fille Sikh (Saima) et un homme pakistanais (Shamil Khan). Le personnage de Babar Ali est opposé à cette union.