The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On (ゆきゆきて、神軍, Yuki Yukite Shingun) is a 1987 Japanese war documentary film by director Kazuo Hara, whose title is loosely based on the classical tale The Emperor's New Clothes. The documentary centers on Kenzo Okuzaki, a 62-year-old veteran of Japan's campaign in New Guinea in the Second World War, and follows him around as he searches out those responsible for the unexplained deaths of two soldiers in his old unit. Renowned documentary filmmaker Errol Morris listed The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On as one of his Top 5 Favorite Films for Rotten Tomatoes.Synopsis
Kenzo Okuzaki est un des rares survivants parmi les soldats japonais qui se trouvaient en Nouvelle-Guinee pendant la guerre. Rapatrié au Japon, il tient un petit commerce à Kobe, mais ne peut pas oublier le destin subi par ses camarades pendant la guerre.