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Toby Tortoise: Well - heh, heh, heh - May the best man - heh - win.
Max Hare: Thanks, I will. but I won't beat ya too bad. Shake.
[Toby goes to shake Max's hand, but he pulls it away]
Max Hare: Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha!
Toby Tortoise: Heh-heh-heh-heh. That's a funny joke, but - heh-heh - you caught me fair and square.
Max Hare: No hard feelings?
Toby Tortoise: Uh-uh.
Max Hare: Put 'er there.
[Again Max pulls away his hand just as Toby stretches out his]
Max Hare: Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha!