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Harriet Turtle: Fwankin cwoss?
Franklin Turtle: Yes, I'm cross. You scared Rosie away. Why'd you have to go and follow me anyway? You never do what you're told!
Harriet Turtle:
Franklin Turtle: Hey, don't cry. I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's just that... because of me, Grandpa got hurt. And now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere. Some Christmas.
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Harriet Turtle: Fwankin mad?
Franklin Turtle: Of course I'm mad. Why can't you leave my stuff alone?
Mrs. Turtle: Now, Franklin, there's no need to be so cross. Your sister's sorry.
Harriet Turtle: Sowwy.
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Franklin Turtle: Look, Harriet. It's Sam. It's okay. You can play with him.
Harriet Turtle: 'Kay!
Franklin Turtle: But I want him back by bedtime. There's only so much sharing a big brother can do.