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Burgermeister Meisterburger: Ah, a perfect day. Everybody is glum. Ah, and see all the little children are playing with their toys.
[gasps] Playing with their toys?! Stop, in the name of the law! You brats are under arrest! Take them away.
Kris: Don't arrest those children. It was my fault. I gave them the toys.
Burgermeister: You? How dare you! You are obviously a nonconformist and a rebel!
Kris: Me, rebel?
Burgermeister: Arrest this man immediately!
[pulls out a toy] For you.
[sputters] A yo-yo? I love yo-yos! I used to be able to do all kinds of tricks! Ooh wheeeeeeeeee! Hoo hoo hoo hoo!
[plays with the yo-yo]
Grimsley: Excuse me, sir, but you're breaking your own laws.
Burgermeister: What, what do you think?
[gasps and chokes] Ooohh, I have been bamboozled! Arrest him, arrest him!
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Kris: Look, uh, before you do me in, would you tell your tree friends to let me loose for a second? You see, I... I have something for you.
Winter Warlock: What is this, a trick?!
Kris: Oh-oh-oh, no sir, Mr. Warlock. Or may I, uh, call you Winter?
Mr. Warlock: Mr. Warlock, if you please!
Kris: Oh. Well, I managed to save one little toy and I'd like you to have it.
Mr. Warlock:
[calmly] You... you wish to give me a present? A... a toy?
Kris: Yes, sir.
Mr. Warlock: But nobody ever gives mean old Warlock a toy.
Kris: I'd like to start a new custom. If you'd just call off...
Mr. Warlock: What, what? Oh, oh, yeah, uh.
[chuckles] Yes, of course, but you mustn't mind the tree monsters. Their bark is worst than their bite.
[chuckles] Their bark is worst than their bite!
[laughs] Hey, uh, Willy Willow, Peter Pine! Release the Kringle!
[the trees release Kris and Topper; Winter laughs] And no tricks now.
Kris: Oh, no! No, sir, Mr. Warlock.
[gives Winter a toy train]
Mr. Warlock: A choo-choo.
[kisses it] I've always wanted one.
[cries and his cold heart melts, resulting in him becoming good]
Kris: What's that?
Mr. Winter Warlock: My icy heart. It's melting.
Kris: Uh, look, Mr. Warlock.
Winter Warlock: Please. Please call me Winter.
Kris: Winter?
Winter: Oh, yes! Yes! Suddenly, my whole outlook has changed from bad to good!
Kris: Great!
Winter: Ah, but will it last? I really am a mean and despicable creature at heart, you know. It's so difficult to really change.
Kris: Difficult?
[laughs] Why, why look here. Changing from bad to good's as easy as taking your first step.