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Le Roi des Dinosaures est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Bert I. Gordon avec William Bryant

Le Roi des Dinosaures (1955)

Le Roi des Dinosaures
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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook What a desolate, forsaken place.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Look, let's get out of here and get back to the ship. I'm scared to death and I don't mind admitting it.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Narrator: On April 23, the word to start comes from Washington. Underneathly, our finest research laboratories change over to this all important project, the building of a passenger carrying rocketship. Every security measure is taken. Test upon test must be made to develop, improve, create, evolve.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dr. Patricia Bennett: You know, I think they all read too much science fiction. You know, they probably thought we'd meet some kind of super race up here or something.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dr. Ralph Martin: I brought the atom bomb; I think it's a good time to use it!


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Nora: Why, am I glad you're back. Did you have a good trip?
Dr. Patricia Bennett: Lovely, if you like walking.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Nora: What time would you say it is?
Dr. Richard Gordon: Say it's about 3 o'clock Earth time here.
Nora': 'Cept that we don't know how many hours are in the daily cycle here. You know this place could move around faster than our Earth!
Dr. Richard Gordon: Well let's figure it for 3 o'clock anyway! That gives us 3 or 4 hours before dark.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dr. Ralph Martin: [after detonating an atomic bomb and watching it annihilate much of Planet Nova] Well, we've done it.
Dr. Richard Gordon: Yeah, we sure have done it: Brought civilization to Planet Nova.
Dr. Ralph Martin: Come on, let's go home.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook SEE...A prehistoric world of fantastic adventure come to life!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Terrifying! Fantastic! Startling!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook NEVER A THRILL LIKE THIS!


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Wanda Curtis — Dr. Patricia Bennett

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Patti Gallagher — Nora Pierce