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Narrator: On April 23, the word to start comes from Washington. Underneathly, our finest research laboratories change over to this all important project, the building of a passenger carrying rocketship. Every security measure is taken. Test upon test must be made to develop, improve, create, evolve.
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Dr. Patricia Bennett: You know, I think they all read too much science fiction. You know, they probably thought we'd meet some kind of super race up here or something.
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Nora: What time would you say it is?
Dr. Richard Gordon: Say it's about 3 o'clock Earth time here.
Nora': 'Cept that we don't know how many hours are in the daily cycle here. You know this place could move around faster than our Earth!
Dr. Richard Gordon: Well let's figure it for 3 o'clock anyway! That gives us 3 or 4 hours before dark.
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Dr. Ralph Martin: [after detonating an atomic bomb and watching it annihilate much of Planet Nova] Well, we've done it.
Dr. Richard Gordon: Yeah, we sure have done it: Brought civilization to Planet Nova.
Dr. Ralph Martin: Come on, let's go home.