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Well, while the rest of us had our talons deformed too. But I say caution when the losses could be so many. I would never counsel rushing blindly into war, but for a cause such as the one the boy described, for a violation of peace so blatant, so powerful... ...of course I'd fight!
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The air currents warm in different ways, you see... ...from the sky to the ocean. You can't fight them. You have to feel them with your gizzards.
Metal Beak/Surtr
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My soldiers, my sons. Many of you have heard of me in late-night whispering but I assure you, I am not a myth. I am real and I stand before you with one simple truth: the strong shall rule the weak. Long ago, I was viciously attacked by the coward Lyze of Kiel for defending that truth. Now I wear this mask to conceal my scars but the metal is strong. It is a symbol of the Pure Ones' strength and resolve. It is time to set a fire that will consume the Owl Kingdoms and take back what is rightfully ours. Because we are Tyros! We are Pure Ones! And I am Metal Beak!
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Well, the legendary Lyze of Kiel. Once again, it's come down to just you and me. At last, I can take my revenge for this.
[indicates scar behind his iron mask] [Ezylryb: Hmm. You should thank me. It appears to be an improvement.]Quotes
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Digger: Knock knock.
Twilight: Please don't reply.
Gylfie: Who's there?
Twilight: Don't encourag him.
Digger: Owls.
Gylfie: Owls who?
Twilight: Hear it comes
Digger: Heh! That's right. Owls hoo.
Twilight: If I have to hear anymore of his ridiculous owl jokes...
Digger: Hoohoo. It's hillarious!
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[from trailer]
Noctus: Legend tells of a band of noble warriors... known as the Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Whenever trouble is at hand, seek them out. For they are sworn to protect the innocent, and vanquish evil... Should I stop?
Soren: No! Well, what?
Noctus: No.
Soren: This is my favorite part!
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Digger: Hey! Oh, nice hunting, you should be really proud of yourself. Catching a moth that's already been caught.
Soren: Wait, you hadn't caught it!
Digger: ...I was very close. One might even say I was THIS close!
[moth flies away] Oh.
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[Nyra and Metalbeak watches Twilight, Digger and Gylfie fights with the bats]
Nyra: No. No! You told us you'd bring all the Guardians.
Allomere: But they're not Guardians.
[angrily] Soren.
Metalbeak: They have no chance against the flecks. Still, I don't think we can trust you anymore, Allomere.
[last words before his death] No, no, no, you promised me!
[The bats suddenly attack Allomere and dragged him into a cave killing him]
Metalbeak: You should know, Allomere, there is only room for one king.
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Soren: I'm not letting you hurt one more soul!
Metalbeak: Oh, you're not letting me? Oh, what a pity to waste such a strong, young and confident Tyto.
Ezylryb: No, Soren!
Metalbeak: Oh, you know this sad old owl?
Soren: He's my teacher. My hero.
Metalbeak: Well, your hero can teach you one last lesson about Pure Ones' strength...
[restraining Ezylryb] Don't move.
Metalbeak: letting you watch him die.
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Soren: With the peace restored, it was time for celebration, and recognition that our small band of owls, who fate and a storm had blown into the Tree, now stood before its king and queen as young Guardians. Ready finally, with all their hearts, to take that ancient oath: To mend those who are broken, to make strong the weak, and without hesitation, vanquish the evil. For as we know, Nyra escaped. And Kludd? Well, Kludd was never found. Should I stop?
Pete: What? Please, don't stop!
Soren: I don't wanna give anyone daymares.
Pete: Aw, come on. There must be more! There must be!
[last line of the film; chuckles] Listen to them, Soren. They want more stories.
[he surprises the owlets] Well, come on, you lot. Les not disappoint them.
[he steps outside feeling the wind] Ah. There's a good storm brewing. And if we're lucky, i'll be chock full of baggywrinkles.